Casablanca - MOROCCO
Industrial supply, Epi, hand and power tools, ladders and handling
Casablanca - MOROCCO
Work clothes, protective and administrative equipment
Casablanca - MOROCCO
Water management and treatment, installation and repair of pumps, difficult access work
Mohammedia - MOROCCO
Metal cables and handling equipment. Lifeline and safety harness
Casablanca - MOROCCO
leather industry
Fire safety equipment. HSE training in fire safety, rescue.
Casablanca - MOROCCO
Manufacture of safety and work shoes and boots. Medical shoes (clogs)
Casablanca - MOROCCO
Personal protective items
Tanger - MOROCCO
Manufacture and distribution of personal protective equipment
Casablanca - MOROCCO
Manufacture of work clothing, professional and protective clothing
Témara - MOROCCO
Children's clothing and sportswear, occupational and physical safety clothing